Anime Rotation: Your Ultimate Anime Blog
Naruto Episode 37 Summary: "Surviving the Cut! ...
Episode Title: "Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Nine Together Again!"Series Continuation: In Episode 37, Naruto and his fellow genin face the final challenges of the Chunin Exams, testing their skills...
Naruto Episode 37 Summary: "Surviving the Cut! ...
Episode Title: "Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Nine Together Again!"Series Continuation: In Episode 37, Naruto and his fellow genin face the final challenges of the Chunin Exams, testing their skills...
Naruto Episode 36 Summary: "Clone vs. Clone: Mi...
Episode Title: "Clone vs. Clone: Mine Are Better Than Yours!"Series Continuation: In Episode 36, Naruto and his fellow genin continue their mission in the Forest of Death, facing off against...
Naruto Episode 36 Summary: "Clone vs. Clone: Mi...
Episode Title: "Clone vs. Clone: Mine Are Better Than Yours!"Series Continuation: In Episode 36, Naruto and his fellow genin continue their mission in the Forest of Death, facing off against...
Naruto Episode 35 Summary: "The Scroll's Secret...
Episode Title: "The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed!"Series Continuation: In Episode 35, Naruto and his fellow genin face a new challenge as they are tasked with retrieving a secret scroll....
Naruto Episode 35 Summary: "The Scroll's Secret...
Episode Title: "The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed!"Series Continuation: In Episode 35, Naruto and his fellow genin face a new challenge as they are tasked with retrieving a secret scroll....
Naruto Episode 29 Summary: "Naruto's Counteratt...
Episode Title: "Naruto's Counterattack: Never Give In!"Series Continuation: In Episode 29, Naruto demonstrates unwavering determination as he faces formidable challenges and formidable adversaries in the Forest of Death. With his...
Naruto Episode 29 Summary: "Naruto's Counteratt...
Episode Title: "Naruto's Counterattack: Never Give In!"Series Continuation: In Episode 29, Naruto demonstrates unwavering determination as he faces formidable challenges and formidable adversaries in the Forest of Death. With his...
Naruto Episode 28 Summary: "Eat or Be Eaten: Pa...
Episode Title: "Eat or Be Eaten: Panic in the Forest"Series Continuation: In Episode 28, the genin teams find themselves in a desperate struggle for survival as chaos erupts in the...
Naruto Episode 28 Summary: "Eat or Be Eaten: Pa...
Episode Title: "Eat or Be Eaten: Panic in the Forest"Series Continuation: In Episode 28, the genin teams find themselves in a desperate struggle for survival as chaos erupts in the...
Naruto Episode 30 Summary: "The Sharingan Reviv...
Episode Title: "The Sharingan Revived: Dragon-Flame Jutsu!"Series Continuation: In Episode 30, the focus shifts to Sasuke Uchiha as he unleashes newfound powers and mastery over the Sharingan. As Sasuke delves...
Naruto Episode 30 Summary: "The Sharingan Reviv...
Episode Title: "The Sharingan Revived: Dragon-Flame Jutsu!"Series Continuation: In Episode 30, the focus shifts to Sasuke Uchiha as he unleashes newfound powers and mastery over the Sharingan. As Sasuke delves...